Sunday, 2 June


Those Russians who survived learned to fight - Commander of the Georgian Legion

The commander of the Georgian Legion revealed what compels foreigners to fight for Ukraine and what motivates Russian servicemen.


Ukraine's Quest for 25 Patriot Batteries: Limited Options, But Paths Exist

Who can help Ukraine with the supply of the required number of air defense systems.


Luck of Funding Cause Issues with Treating Wounded - Mllitary Surgeon.

How is medical supply in the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Are there enough medicines and other supplies? How about assistance and evacuation of the wounded, and is there sufficient funding?

Artillery Comes to Life: How Long Ukraine to Fire the 'Czech' Shells

European partners have become noticeably more active against the background of the suspension of US support.

The fate of the exchange fund: how Russian prisoners live in Ukraine

The camp for the detention of Russian prisoners was repurposed from a colony that housed people convicted of minor crimes.

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