Russian ships have not entered the Black Sea for almost a month: the Armed Forces assessed the threat of strikes


Russia has not been deploying warships to the Black Sea for a long time, but the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine assesses the missile threat from the Russian Black Sea Fleet as extremely high.

Natalia Gumenyuk, Natalia Gumenyuk, a Spokesperson for the Operational Command "South", told Apostrophe TV about this.

"Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since Russian missile ships have not entered the Black Sea, but they continue to be in the Novorossiysk Bay. There are 9 ships there with a total arsenal of up to 50 Kalibr missiles. The occupants have a stockpile and may have the capability to launch. That is why our General Staff assesses the missile threat from the Black Sea as extremely high. The presence of missile carriers and their readiness to launch indicate this," emphasized Humeniuk.

According to the Spokesperson, in the most extreme case, Russians can launch Kalibr missiles directly from the bay without going to sea. They have such a practice, although this option is extremely dangerous for the Russians themselves, but under certain circumstances, the occupants may take this step.

"Nevertheless, there are no ships, not even boats, on combat duty. There are some auxiliary vessels that they use to adjust the boom barriers at sea, but they do not take more significant actions because they are afraid of attacks by our naval UAVs," added Gumenyuk.

Earlier, "Apostrophe" reported that the GUR told about the destruction of the ship "Sergey Kotov" in the Black Sea.