Sunday, 30 March

Native Americans knew how to make phone calls using conch-shell trumpets: how prehistoric Wi-Fi worked
Pre-Columbian Pueblo peoples, who lived in southwestern America in the 9th-12th centuries, used shells to communicate at a distance

In Germany, archaeologists discovered a 'zombie' grave that is more than 4.2 thousand years old. Photo.
​A 4200-year-old grave containing the skeleton of a man with a heavy stone slab placed across his feet was unearthed in eastern Germany.

A prehistoric monument of an unusual shape was discovered in France: the find may be 5,000 years old. Photo.
​French archaeologists have discovered a horseshoe-shaped building from the Neolithic period during excavations in Merliens

Buried with a brick in her mouth: scientists reconstructed the face of a vampire from Italy, photo
​Scientists have reconstructed the face of a vampire who was buried in the XVI century in a mass grave of plague victims

A giant statue of Pharaoh Ramses II was discovered in Egypt: what a unique find looks like
Archaeologists discovered the upper part of a large statue of Ramses II during excavations in Egypt

Luxurious tombs and fabulous treasures: archaeologists discover necropolis of the Roman elite, photos
Archaeologists discovered an ancient necropolis of Roman nobility with unique artifacts

Scientist broke the mysterious "pharaohs' curse": the secret of deaths revealed, photo
Egyptian scientist Zahi Hawass has revealed the secret behind the mystical "curse" of the pharaohs and revealed the real reasons of mysterios deaths. He stated that the deaths of the explorers were caused by affection of microbes.