American gas for Ukraine: a business project or a gift to Trump? / Даже при покупке по хорошей цене нужно не меньше миллиарда долларов
Russia Makes Billions from Oil: How to Turn Оff This 'Tap' / The Russian Federation has learned to circumvent sanctions
Sanctions in Ukrainian: Can burning oil refineries stop Putin? / Ukrainian Armed Forces Gain Momentum in Targeting Russian Oil Infrastructure
If Plan B Kicks in Tomorrow: How long Ukraine to Survive Sans Foreign Aid / The Government Retains Hope for Assistance
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Ukraine's Plan B Navigating Funding Gaps / The government may take unpopular measures
No Egg Putin One Basket: Why Russia's Food Prices Are Skyrocketing / Vitality in Military Industry Drives Russia's Economic Growth, Rest Faces Degradation