Monday, 24 June

Ivan Troyanov – страница 6

Editor, author of blogs, occasional writer. I understand a little about politics and economics. Previously, I worked in the "Arguments and Facts in Ukraine" (editor of the economics and politics sections). Also I was engaged in literary and volunteer activities.

All author's posts

"Blitzkrieg" of Argentem Creek Partners in an attempt to seize the grain terminal in Odesa fails - media / Hedge fund Argentem Creek Partners is reducing the intensity of aggressive actions against the Ukrainian holding GNT Group due to the failure of the plan to quickly raid the terminal of Olimpex Coupe International LLC.

2023-04-22 15:20

Volodymyr Yatsenko, the co-founder of Monobank will give UAH 20 million to manufacturer whose UAV will fly to the Red Square on May 9 / UAH 20 million will be granted to Ukrainian UAV manufacturer whose drone will fly and land on the Red Square in Moscow during the parade on May 9.

2023-04-7 13:30

Singer Dmytro Shurov and world judo champion Georgii Zantaraia joined the ambassadors of the Olympic Dreams project / As part of scaling up the international sports camp Olympic Dreams project, which is implemented by "The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation, famous Ukrainian performer Dmytro Shurov (Pianoboy) and the first world judo champion in Ukraine, Georgii Zantaraia joined the project as its ambassadors.

2023-03-27 16:48

NABU puts pressure on market participants on Shevchenko case, says the journalist / The NABU and the SAPO threaten to imprison a financier Bohdan Fedorushchenko, whose arrest was previously announced, demanding from him to testify against Kyrylo Shevchenko, a former Head of the NABU.

2023-03-18 13:44

The co-founder of Monobank Volodymyr Yatsenko urged the Ukrainian entrepreneurs to invest in the production of high-precision weapons / Volodymyr Yatsenko, the co-founder of Monobank and the manufacturer of Dovbush T10 drones, called on entrepreneurs to find the Ukrainian "Steve Jobs" and invest money in the development of high-precision weapons, in particular, UAVs, creating production on an industrial scale.

2023-03-2 15:53

Creditors can disrupt the "Grain Agreement": they want to announce bankruptcy of the Odessa terminal that loads ships / On February 15, the Commercial Court of the Lviv region started the bankruptcy procedure of Olimpex Coupe International LLC, which manages a strategically important grain terminal that provides the operation of the "grain corridor".

2023-02-16 09:00

Despite sanctions, new Russian drones use modern American microchips, says Volodymyr Yatsenko / The new modification of the Russian Orlan unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which was recently shot down by the Ukrainian military, uses the most modern ICs of the American company AMD Xilinx, which is a dual-use product and is subject to sanctions.

2023-02-13 10:47

International company was called to dismiss a Ukrainian lawyer defending the interests of the 'Russian criminal lord' - media / The international law firm Wolf Theiss should reconsider its relations with the company's managing partner Taras Dumych because he is defending Russian crime lord Tamaz Somkhishvili, who is found to be involved in fulfilling orders from the Russian Ministry of Defense for the repair of combat aircraft.

2023-01-19 17:55

Russian crime lord Tamaz Somkhishvili will be taken up by the SSU and the NSDC, says the journalist / Russian businessman Tamaz Somkhishvili, who is trying to sue Kyiv for UAH 4 billion and was recently exposed for repairing Russian combat aircraft, may be added to the sanctions list of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine.

2023-01-16 12:38

Russian crime is trying to steal $ 100 million from Kyiv, says the blogger / Georgian-Russian criminal leader, shareholder of the Russian Lukoil TamazSomkhishvili, nicknamed Tamaz Tobolskyi, is trying to sue the Kyiv authorities for the reconstruction of Kharkiv Square, which Somkhishvili’s company has not fulfilled.

2022-11-21 13:34