Monday, 24 June

Russia launched missiles at Kyiv: a fire broke out in one of the districts

On the night of May 31, Russia launched a missile attack on Kyiv - air defense systems responded to the missiles, and the falling debris caused a fire in one of the capital's districts.

This was reported by the Kyiv City Military Administration.

The Head of the Kyiv City Military Administration (KCMA), Serhiy Popko, said that during the last air alert, which lasted in the capital from 4:50 to 5:15 a.m., the enemy launched a missile attack on Kyiv: "According to preliminary data, the enemy used cruise missiles."

It is worth noting that the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at 4:53 a.m. reported a high-speed target on Kyiv. At 5:01 a.m., the report of high-speed targets in the direction of Kyiv was repeated.

However, the air defense forces and means were able to destroy all enemy air targets. According to preliminary information provided by the Head of the KCMA, a fire broke out in a non-residential building in Holosiivskyi district as a result of the fall of debris.

As of 5:35 a.m., according to the latest report, there were no casualties, Popko said, adding that the information is being updated.

Earlier, we reported that Russia attacked Snihurivka, Mykolaiv Region.