Tuesday, 4 March

Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaurs that lived in Patagonia for 70 million years. Photo.

Scientists have discovered a new species of titanosaurus in Argentina. It is the smallest ever described.

Eseuro writes about it.

Found in rocks almost 70 million years old, it was named Titanomachya gimenezi. The Tyrannosaurus was 10 times smaller than its largest relatives.

The fossils were found in the province of Chubut in Patagonian Argentina. The animal's fore and hind limbs, as well as fragments of ribs and vertebrae were discovered.

Some of the largest dinosaurs that have ever lived on Earth have been found in other places in Argentina.

"The morphology of the talus - the bone responsible for distributing the force coming from the tibia to the inside of the foot - has never been seen before in other titanosaurs and shows intermediate features between the Colossosauria and Saltasauroidea lineages, which emphasizes its evolutionary importance," says scientist Agustín Pérez.

This period of geological time has historically been better studied in northern regions, and scientists hope that excavations in the south will allow them to determine the patterns of dinosaur extinction compared to the rest of the world.

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Earlier, we wrote that scientist broke the mysterious "pharaohs' curse" and and named the real reasons behind the deaths of people who opened tombs.