Tuesday, 4 March

Zelensky on a minefield: how MPs are trying to hinder the President

Intrigues concerning the early elections spread out in the Parliament

Intrigues concerning the early elections spread out in the Parliament Фото:

On May 20 the inauguration of Volodymyr Zelensky will be held. This decision was taken on May 16 in the Parliament. The vote was fast. Although at the beginning of this week different dates of inauguration, indicating the lack of a unified position were called. The probability of dissolution of Parliament is also connected with the date of inauguration. "Apostrophe" tried to understand how the events can now unfold and whether the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation will be able to work until the end of the term allotted to it.

On Thursday, May 16, 315 people's deputies supported the decision to hold the inauguration of Volodymyr Zelensky on May 20. To recap, the team of the newly elected President insisted on May 19, allegedly because it is Sunday, so representatives of the different countries can arrive to the event. But on May 20, not all foreign delegations will be able to attend, as the speaker of Zelensky's election campaign office Dmytro Razumkov already stated.

But it was the date of May 20 that became a compromise among parliamentarians. Let us note that some factions agreed to support the inauguration on May 19. Even "Petro Poroshenko Block" was among them. But still, it would not be the best solution to hold the inauguration on the Day of memory of the victims of political repression.

"On the other hand May 20 is the world’s day of traumatologist. No questions will arise," one of the People’s deputies joked in a conversation with "Apostrophe".

On Tuesday, May 14, in Parliament there were rumors that the inauguration will take place between May 28 and June 3. This was necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of the dissolution of the Parliament. It is known that Zelensky’s team has long been speaking about early elections to Verkhova Rada. They are necessary for the new President for the fastest introduction of his political force - party "Servant of the people" to in Parliament while its rating is still high. But nobody knows yet with whom he will go to elections and who will be in his party.

The Parliament seems to come to terms with to the idea of the early elections. "Any self-respecting political force should be ready for the elections. We are not afraid of early or urgent elections," - the leader of “Petro Poroshenko Block” fraction Artur Herasimov told the reporters.

"These elections can be beneficial for “Petro Poroshenko Block, for the “Opposition block" and for "Batkivshchyna". They will now be able to organize their electorate until it focuses at the new political forces," one of the deputies of the Poroshenko fraction told to “Apostrophe”.

But early elections are disadvantageous to forces that have either recently been established or have lost support. Among the latter, for example, there are representatives of the fraction “Narodnyi front”. They have the least chances to get to the next Parliament, so they decided to replay the situation and prevent early elections. As it became known to "Apostrophe", on Friday, May 17, “Narodnyi front” will gather on fraction meeting at which a question of an exit from the coalition will be discussed.

"If we leave the coalition on the same day, the mechanism of creating a new one will be launched, which will take 30 days. During this time, until June 17, a new coalition should be created, if not - the Parliament goes to the elections. But on June 16 the term of possibility of dissolution of Parliament by the President will lapse because there will be half a year left before the next elections to Verkhovna Rada. During this period, no one can dissolve Parliament. This (the withdrawal of the “Narodnyi front” from the coalition, - "Apostrophe") is one of the possibilities either to delay the dissolution of Parliament, or even to avoid it," a source in “Narodnyi front” says (according to art. 90 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the President may not prematurely terminate the activities of the Parliament during six months before the end of its and Presidential powers).

The interlocutor of "Apostrophe" also said that after the inauguration the presidential decree on the dissolution of Parliament is expected. The main reason is the absence of the coalition. "But there should be a court decision, which we do not see yet," a source in “Narodnyi front” explains.

The interlocutor does not exclude that the decision on re-election may not comply with the legislation of Ukraine. And for Zelensky it will not be the best way to begin the work with such decision. "But society can't blame him, people want to see this Parliament go away. Only in the future this decision will backfire on him (Zelensky)," the interlocutor of "Apostrophe" anticipates.

После инаугурации ожидается указ президента о роспуске парламента Фото:

After the inauguration, the presidential decree on the dissolution of Parliament is expected

However, for the deputies of “Narodnyi front” it will be very difficult to agree on the decision to withdraw from the coalition. After all, there are many people's deputies in the fraction who already made the choice in favor of Zelensky (for example, the group of the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov). Arseniy Yatseniuk is the main initiator of the withdraw -. He intends to use every opportunity to delay the re-election and have time to create a new political project with Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.

"He (Yatseniuk, - "Apostrophe") is unlikely to deceive everyone. If Zelensky wants to dissolve Rada, he will dissolve it," one of the members of “Narodnyi front” told. Although according to the law, the President has no right to send Parliament to early elections within 30 days allotted for the creation of a new coalition.

To recap, Art. 90 of the Constitution allows the President to terminate the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ahead of schedule, but only in three cases. This is possible if within one month a coalition of parliamentary factions is not formed in Parliament; if within 60 days after the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers, its composition is not approved, and in that case, if the Parliament within 30 days of one regular session is unable to start the plenary session.

But as "Apostrophe" learned, the team of Zelensky has not yet decided whether to dissolve Parliament or not. And the Parliament is sure that now the new President is on a minefield: there is an emerging a conflict with the environment of President Donald Trump. His environment is dissatisfied that there are people in Zelensky's team who work for Democrats - Trump's competitors. So now the United States are sending demands, with whom Volodymyr Oleksandrovych should cease to cooperate. These people include the oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi, who has already returned to Ukraine.

"I do not know how Zelensky will deal with all the problems, but it is not necessary to hurry with early elections. Such haste is disadvantageous for everybody. It is necessary to talk with many people, to consult. Because populism will not let to go far," one of the MPs sums up.