Thursday, 6 March

Andrii Derkach’s Nothing-burger: New Biden-Poroshenko Tapes

Andrii Derkach held his curious press conference on September 16 in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv

Andrii Derkach held his curious press conference on September 16 in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv Photo: Interfax / Screenshot

Andrii Derkach, a pro-Russian Ukrainian MP who has been relentlessly promoting discredited allegations against former Vice President Biden and other Democratic officials, gave another “shocking” press conference in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Sanctioned by the US Department of the Treasury for “attempting to influence the U.S. electoral process”, Mr. Derkach made good on his promise to deliver a yet another portion of what was supposed to be dirt on Joe Biden. Something went wrong: instead of the announced corrupt dealings, Andrii Derkach’s audience heard (assumingly) Biden committing to a peaceful, procedural transition of power.

U.S. Sanctions

On September 10, the US Department of the Treasury designated Andrii Derkach “for his efforts to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election”. Calling the Ukrainian MP “an active Russian agent”, Treasury highlighted its intent to send “a clear signal to Moscow and its proxies that this activity will not be tolerated”.

From at least late 2019 through mid-2020, Derkach waged a covert influence campaign centered on cultivating false and unsubstantiated narratives concerning U.S. officials in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election,” the Department explained in its official statement.

According to Apostrophe’s sources, Derkach positioned today’s release – provoked by American sanctions – as the most influential one for the US presidential campaign.

DemoCorruption officials are terrified. Because figures, documents, and exciting records support every word that will be voiced by me,” Derkach posted on his Facebook account.

Derkach’s Press Conference

Joined by former prosecutor Konstantin Kulik, Andrii Derkach held his curious press conference on September 16 in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.

The first part of the event traditionally focused on Burisma Holdings and the Biden family’s alleged corruption. This time, however, the controversial duo displayed a video recording with two unidentified, either masked or blurred witnesses from Latvia. According to Derkach, the said individuals were directly engaged in money laundering and tax evasion – with Zlochevsky as their client – yet are willing to testify in the hopes for immunity and the participation in a witness protection program. The men failed to provide any information but the fact that Rosemont Seneca – a company co-founded by Hunter Biden – received payments from Burisma Holdings. The funds allegedly came from the money Zlochevsky laundered through offshore companies. They also allegedly have a Burisma laptop with corresponding evidence.

Photo: Interfax / Screenshot

According to Mr. Derkach’s version of the events, two foreign nationals decided to confess their involvement in money laundering operations, which included both Ukrainian and Russian businessmen… After seeing the professional work done by former prosecutor Konstantin Kulik, who was fired in 2019 and is, therefore, unable to conduct an official investigation.

After the usual Burisma Holdings-Zlochevsky-the Biden family narrative, Andrii Derkach and Konstantin Kulik released a new series of (allegedly) Biden-Poroshenko tapes. Aimed at showcasing Mr. Biden and Petro Poroshenko’s deep-running corruption, the audio recordings highlighted quite the opposite. In the tape, the voice resembling the one of Biden told Mr. Poroshenko he had to wait until Donald Trump's team is fully briefed and transitioned before coming to Ukraine.

With regard to my coming on the 21s [of November], I told you I could never come on the 21st. I was going to try and come immediately after, in early December…Transition [of power] is very, very delicate. It’s been like that for hundreds and hundreds of years, and it requires the exchange of classified information. And the people they [Donald Trump’s administration] put forward [in the transition team]-- they have to get cleared to do so – just as we had to be cleared after the Bush administration…I am not planning on going away. As a private citizen, I’m planning on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that we have begun. But if I am gone beforehand, I am worried – since they [President Trump’s team] don’t know enough [about Ukraine] – they will think I’m trying to game them. They will think I am trying to put them in a corner. They will question my motive going before they’re fully briefed,” Biden explained to Ukraine’s fifth president.

He also compared Mr. Trump to a dog chasing cars, referring to the President-elect's lack of political experience and understanding of the governing processes. "We have a real chance here of making him a hero," Biden concluded on Doland Trump's account.

After going through the tapes, Mr. Derkach lowered to locker room rumors, hinting at a potential romantic relationship between Kristina Kvien, United States Chargés d'affaires ad interim to Ukraine, and the anti-corruption activist Vitalii Shabunin.

Andrii Derkach also made a series of statements about the corruption of Petro Poroshenko and his entourage.

Overall, what was supposed to be scandalous dirt on former Vice President Biden ended up being a mere nothing-burger.

Curiously, Derkach said he sent evidence of international “Democorruption” to US officials. It is unknown whether the MP’s information will be included in Ron Johnson’s official Senate report. However, one has to perceive any materials coming from an “active Russian agent” (designated by Steven Mnuchin, a Trump-appointed Republican) with a healthy dose of skepticism.

According to Senator Chuck Grassley, the probe he and Senator Ron Johnson conduct shall not involve Mr. Andrii Derkach's information.

"I’ve said publicly, on many occasions, that I’ve never received information or material from him [Derkach]. I’ve never solicited information from him. The same is true for my staff," Senator Grassley stated.

While Giuliani & Co traveled all the way to Ukraine to discredit Vice President Biden, they might have managed just the opposite. By making close contact with individuals like Derkach, Kulik, and Dubinsky, they buried the credibility of their investigation from the get-go.