Tuesday, 4 March

Snakes woke up in Kyiv parks: they are everywhere - on paths and in the grass, video

The first week of April started with real summer warmth, which led to an increase in reptile activity - a large number of snakes were spotted in one of the capital's parks, both on paths and in the grass.

The video was posted by local residents on the Telegram channel.

The post below the video notes that residents spotted a group of snakes in Muromets Park, which is located between two residential areas of the city - Obolon and Troyeshchyna.

The great activity of the reptiles is caused by the spring heat that warmed up Ukraine, Kyiv in particular, in early April.

"The Kyiv Zoo advises not to disturb the reptiles and simply avoid them," the statement said.

Snakes usually wake up from hibernation in the spring, when the air and soil temperatures are sufficiently warm for their activity. The exact time may vary depending on weather conditions.

To minimize the risk of an unwanted encounter with snakes in the spring, you can take a few simple safety measures:

  • walk carefully on the grass: especially in tall grass or in areas where it is difficult to see where you are stepping.
  • avoid snake habitats: snakes can hide under rocks, in piles of leaves, fallen trees, and tall grass. Avoid these places or be extra careful when you are around them;
  • choose a place to sit and rest carefully: before sitting on the ground or on a rock, make sure there are no snakes nearby.

If you encounter snakes, you should calmly and without sudden movements avoid the reptiles.

Earlier, we wrote about the abnormally warm weather in April.