Sunday, 2 February

US Congress agreed on the 2020 military aid to Ukraine

After months of negotiations, US Congress agreed on a compromise version of the 2020 defense budget, which provides for $300 billion in military aid for Ukraine.

As reported by The New York Times, the total defense budget amounts to $738 billion. The NDAA reauthorized $300 million of funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, including lethal defensive items, coastal defense cruise missiles, and anti-ship missiles.

Moreover, the proposed budget plan involves sanctions related to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines, as well as bars military-to-military cooperation with Russia.

As soon as the budget undergoes Congress' final vote, it will only require Donald Trump's signature.

Interestingly, the Trump impeachment procedure was initiated based on, among other things, the president's alleged conditioning of the military aid release on the investigations against Burisma and Ukraine's actions in 2016.