Sunday, 23 February

Michael Bloomberg is reportedly hiring top Clinton aide Capricia Marshall

Just as rumors of Michael Bloomberg considering Hillary Clinton for a VP position have hit the media, a source told PageSix that the former New York mayor recruited top Clinton ally Capricia Marshall for his 2020 presidential campaign.

'Capricia is very connected to the Democratic political orbit and will give Bloomberg a stronger link to the Dem establishment, and therefore more credibility,' the news site reported.

According to the source, 'She will help convince them Mike is not a quasi-Republican after he heavily backed GOP candidates in the past.'

Marshall used to work for Bill Clinton as the White House social secretary. Then, she has served on Hillary Clinton’s Senate re-election campaign and as the US chief of protocol under the Obama administration.

As the source highlighted, Capricia Marshall could also aid Bloomberg with women and African American voters, which remain “unsatisfied with his apology over his stop-and-frisk policy as New York City mayor'.

It wasn’t specified which position Marshall is expected to take in Michael Bloomberg’s campaign.

As “Apostrophe” reported earlier, Bloomberg has reportedly conducted internal polling, which illustrated that the Bloomberg-Clinton ballot “would be a formidable force to take on Trump in the race for the White House”.