Saturday, 22 February

From defending Odesa to deploying troops: five scenarios of French aid to Ukraine

The five scenarios of French assistance to Ukraine range from the training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the deployment of Western troops and the creation of a buffer zone to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The scenarios were presented by LCI TV channel.

One of the most likely scenarios is that France will build military factories in Ukraine using its own engineers. Also, as an option, they consider assistance with demining of Ukrainian lands and training of the Armed Forces.

The TV channel named France's defense of Odesa as another aid scenario, in particular through the installation of air defense systems.They are also considering a scenario where France deploys troops to create a protective zone and relieve the Ukrainian Armed Forces from some tasks. And the most incredible scenario: France fights alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the trenches, causing World War III.

Earlier, we explained what Macron's statement about the possible deployment of troops to Ukraine means.