Tuesday, 4 March

Ukraine’s next Prime Minister: Volodymyr Zelensky’s candidate named

Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Oleksiy Honcharuk is the main candidate to become Ukraine’s next Prime Minister. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will recommend his candidacy for the Parliament’s approval, as reported by “Ukrainian Pravda” referencing a source in the president’s team.

The meeting to discuss the candidacy will take place on Wednesday, August 28.

“It’s not out of mistrust to Honcharuk but out of the realization that every minister’s actions affect the president’s reputation. In the eyes of the public, he is the one responsible for these actions,” the source explained.

Ihor Kolomoiskyi has earlier supported Honcharuk’s candidacy.

Our sources have also named Honcharuk as the main candidate for the Prime Minister post.

Oleksiy Honcharuk has a law degree and has earlier worked in one of the law firms as an executive partner. He ran for the Parliament in 2014, receiving 0,1% of the vote. He has also been an advisor to the former Minister of Ecology Ihor Shevchenko, known for the cap theft scandal at the Davos forum. Since 2015, he heads the BRDO Effective Response Office – an office for simplifying the interaction between business and the state.