Saturday, 22 February

Bohdan deliberate to take Bakhmatyuk`s assets through ARMA - journalist

The VAB bank investigation is renewed to take the agricultural business from its former owner, Oleg Bakhmatyuk, by means of the controllable Asset Recovery and Management Agency of Ukraine (ARMA).

Julia Samayeva, ZN.UA author, claims so in her article. According to ZN.UA, Petro Poroshenko once planned transfer Bakhmatyuk's UkrLandFarming agricultural holding to the President-controlled Agency for the Investigation and Asset Management (ARMA) upon having the cases completed to buy its most attractive assets cheap. But he'd hoped in vain to reelect and got no time.

Yuliya Samayeva writes: "ARMA retains interest in Bakhmatyuk's assets up to this day. And now, according to various sources, it's under Andriy's or Bohdan's control. Possibly this is what has resurrected the NABU investigation. There are questions to ask him as well as NBU".

In 2016, NABU filed a case against Oleg Bakhmatyuk's VAB Bank on the stabilization loan provided by the National Bank alleged misuse. However, the National Bank has already denied these allegations, proving that the entire refinancing sum, UAH 1.2 Bn., was issued to pay depositors.