Russia tries to hit Ukrainian airfields before F-16 delivery

The Russian occupiers are trying to hit Ukrainian airfields before the transfer of American F-16 fighters to Ukraine, because the necessary equipment still needs to be installed before their delivery.

Roman Svitan, a military expert, reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told about this on the air of Apostrophe TV.

He emphasized that such a conclusion can be drawn from the night missile attack, including Iskanders from Crimea.

"All of this looks like preventive actions before the F-16s arrival in Ukraine, because before you deploy the fighters themselves, you must first bring in technical equipment. It was this equipment, as well as the related infrastructure of the air fleet, that was the target of this particular Russian strike," Svitan said.

He added that it is unclear what the drones were targeting. There were 17 of them, as our troops destroyed Shaheds right when they entered Ukrainian territory. That is why it will be difficult to determine the purpose of their launch.

"We can only assume that the target of the Shaheds' strikes was energy facilities," the military expert summarized.

Earlier, we reported that Russia launched a night attack on Ukraine