Tuesday, 4 March

​Poroshenko's visit to “1+1” channel: the General Director of the channel made a loud statement

The General Director of the group "1+1 media" Olrksandt Tkachenko said that the channel will sue the President Petro Poroshenko in connection with his visit to the TV channel, during which there was a skirmish with the showman Volodymyr Zelensky.

On his Facebook page, he explained that the lawsuit would be also "for past accusations against the channel".

According to Tkachenko, the President appeared in the studio without warning.

"And it is not clear in which status he appeared - in the status of a candidate or the President. But as you understand, after seeing him and guards of the Department of State Security – everybody was in shock. He says he's here for the debate. It means - like a candidate? Or..? At the same time, he knows for sure that his opponent - V. Zelensky is already in Paris at the moment, on the eve of tomorrow's (April 12, - Apostrophe) meeting with the President of France - E. Macron... They let him into the studio. What else could be done? The status of the President has not been canceled," wrote the General Director of the channel.

Tkachenko reminded that the program "Right to the power" during all the election campaign invited Poroshenko on air, but he ignored invitations. According to him, after Poroshenko "came without invitation, using the status of the head of state and was not going to leave", a lawsuit will be filed against him.

"Wait - on Monday. Including for last charges addressed to “1+1” channel. In a country that will shakes off all the lies, it will be possible. The countdown started - 9 more days left," Tkachenko wrote.

As "Apostrophe" reported earlier, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko filed a suit against the TV channel "1+1" for dirty methods and distribution of fakes.