Tuesday, 4 March

The Sahara was once green: scientists have discovered interesting rock art that is 4,000 years old. Photo.
Rock art found in the desert show that the Sahara used to be a green and fertile savannah

Shiva 'The Destroyer': scientists show the largest dinosaur in history found in Argentina
The newly discovered 29.8-meter-long dinosaur, named after the Hindu god Shiva "The Destroyer", stomped across Argentina more than 90 million years ago

In Germany, archaeologists discovered a 'zombie' grave that is more than 4.2 thousand years old. Photo.
​A 4200-year-old grave containing the skeleton of a man with a heavy stone slab placed across his feet was unearthed in eastern Germany.

A magnificent Roman villa with dozens of precious artifacts discovered in Britain. Photo.
The discovery was made in the village of Grove in Oxfordshire, whose history dates back to the Bronze Age: it was occupied by the Romans from the first or second centuries

The largest mass grave in Europe was found in Germany: even scientists were amazed by the discovery, photo
More than a thousand skeletons of plague victims were unearthed in Nuremberg, Germany

Ruins of a pagan temple discovered near Rome: the find overturned the idea of the establishment of Christianity, photo
Archaeologists discovered a 2000-year-old pagan temple near Rome. The building has been dated to the era of the Roman emperor Constantine

A 3000 year old sword was discovered in Germany: the unique find is perfectly preserved, photo
In Germany, archaeologists discovered a 3000 year old bronze sword that is preserved in excellent condition, and this is a very rare find