Saturday, 29 March

Verkhovna Rada wants to ban Ukrainians from representing Ukraine abroad: threatens with life imprisonment
Mariana Bezuhla and Halyna Tretiakova register a bill in the Verkhovna Rada that provides for a prison sentence for "representing Ukraine's interests abroad" without "authorization and approval"

Ancient history and modern scandals: what the Holosiivskyi Desert in Kyiv looks like now, photos
Archival photos of the Holosiivskyi Holy Intercession Monastery of the Moscow Patriarchate in Kyiv from the 1910s were shown online

International company was called to dismiss a Ukrainian lawyer defending the interests of the 'Russian criminal lord' - media
The international law firm Wolf Theiss should reconsider its relations with the company's managing partner Taras Dumych because he is defending Russian crime lord Tamaz Somkhishvili, who is found to be involved in fulfilling orders from the Russian Ministry of Defense for the repair of combat aircraft.

Captured referee from Azovstal urged the president Zelenskyy to stop political pressure on the UAF
Neurosurgeon and Ukrainian football referee Dmytro Kubryak, who defended Azovstal and spent 5 months in Russian captivity, appealed to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Criminal proceedings were opened against all members of the UAF Executive Committee for the appointment of Shevchenko - a journalist
The first attempt to hold illegal presidential elections in the UAF, which was prepared by putting pressure on the heads of regional associations, failed, and now, in order to promote Andriy Shevchenko to the position of head of the football association, they developed scenario №2 called "Virtual Executive Committee".