Wednesday, 26 March

Criminal proceedings were opened against all members of the UAF Executive Committee for the appointment of Shevchenko - a journalist

The first attempt to hold illegal presidential elections in the UAF, which was prepared by putting pressure on the heads of regional associations, failed, and now, in order to promote Andriy Shevchenko to the position of head of the football association, they developed scenario №2 called "Virtual Executive Committee".

The President of the Team of Journalists of Ukraine, Olha Vytak, announced this on Facebook.

"You remember, earlier I talked about how six heads of regional associations wrote protocols on carbon paper on convening the UAF extraordinary congress on December 20 in the offices of the heads of military administrations. Well, they did not succeed. That is why attempt No. 2 regarding suspension of the UAF leadership under the code name VIRTUAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. An action plan was sent to all members of the Executive Committee regarding the convening and holding of a virtual Executive Committee of the UAF! According to the plan of the leaders of the sabotage group, the signature of 31 members of the Executive Committee is required to hold the congress. Further, according to the scheme, a mark "+" should be placed in each Ballot "opposite the column," she wrote, publishing the "action plan" and the draft balot developed for it.

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According to Vytak, if the members of the Executive Committee "did not think of refusing to sign the ballot for voting, criminal proceedings should be opened against them all."

"The National Police opened criminal proceedings against all members of the Executive Committee of the UAF under Article 170 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (obstructing the lawful activities of trade unions, political parties, public organizations). That is, so that none of the members of the Executive Committee would even think of refusing to carry out illegal instructions, they would all be hanged together on a "hook"... And on December 6, they began to stamp ballots and send them to regional football associations. The custom nature of criminal pressure on members of the UAF Executive Committee, threats, employees of Security Services of Ukraine in the offices of regional associations - this is the way Andriy Shevchenko is being led to the chair of the UAF President", - stated Vytak.

Referring to the stories of the heads of regional associations, Vytak noted that "Andrii Smirnov (deputy head of the President's Office) and temporary residents of Bukovel are in charge of this process."

"Before, my colleagues drew attention to the ordered nature of the criminal cases against the UAF President, but no one could have thought that there would be pressure on Ukrainian football of such a scale. In UEFA, such arrogance and pressure on national football associations, which are independent according to the Statute, have never been seen and not heard in any country in the world! I think that virtual meetings - Executive Committees will not be approved by UEFA and FIFA, just like the puppet president who is dragged into the chair of the UAF," she added.

The day before, a meeting of the Working Group on holding an extraordinary congress was held in the House of Football, which announced the facts of the pressure of state authorities on the activities of regional football associations.

As you know, Andriy Shevchenko was officially nominated as a candidate for the post of the UAF president - this was done by Viktor Mezheiko, a former representative of the Party of Regions of Ukraine and associate of Viktor Yanukovych.