Friday, 7 March

​Zelensky’s team is preparing for "war" with business that does not pay taxes

In the near future, the party "Servant of people" will announce a decision to combat the abuse of private entrepreneurs who evade taxes.

This was reported by the People's Deputy elected from the party "Servant of people" Daniil Hetmantsev on "Ukrainian radio".

"Both the President and the party "Servant of people" support the simplified regime. Moreover, we made a commitment not to change it - not to raise rates and not to reduce transaction limits for individuals-entrepreneurs. But the problem of this regime is that it, except for small entrepreneurs, uses medium and large businesses," Hetman said.

According to him, legal entities exceed the limits of 5 million UAH per year established for PE.

"Go to any restaurant in Kyiv, and you will bring a check for alcoholic beverages from LLC or some legal entity, and for food - from PE. What does that indicate to? It indicates to mass evasion of taxes with use of PE," he added.

The People’s Deputy noted that in the near future decisions on abuses by PE in the context of tax evasion will be presented.

"At present, we are considering whether it is possible, using only administrative procedures, to stop the abuse, or it is necessary to amend the tax legislation in order not to generate a number of tax disputes. We want to make it clear, available for everybody, and there is no doubt that it can not be done. I think that in the coming weeks before the Verkhovna Rada starts its work we will present a certain decision," the Deputy said.

According to "Apostrophe", earlier President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree "On some measures to improve the access of individuals and legal entities to electronic services" to streamline the work of state registers and online services.