Wednesday, 5 March

NABU office was searched in the framework of the case of theft in the Ministry of Defense

The employees of the State Bureau of Investigation arrived at the office of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of to search it in the framework of the case of possible corruption violations in the investigation of theft in the defense sector.

This was reported by the Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko Larysa Sarhan on her Facebook page.

She noted that the documents withdrawn from NABU indicate to the inaction of the Bureau during the investigation of possible episodes of corruption in "Ukroboronprom".

According to her, NABU also did not respond to the request of the Main Military Prosecutor's office regarding possible episodes of theft.

"The State Bureau of Investigation evaluates the inaction of the management of NABU after receiving a report of the Military Prosecutor and not responding to information contained in the documents that were sent. Also the State Bureau of Investigation checks the information about the off-duty relationships of the NABU management with third parties who can testify about the deliberate failure to investigate criminal proceedings on embezzlement in "Ukroboronprom", in particular through LLC "OPTIMUMSPETSDETAL," the speaker said.

According to "Apostrophe", earlier the President Petro Poroshenko expressed surprise that the investigation conducted on the activities of the concern "Ukroboronprom" in 2016, have just appeared.