Wednesday, 5 March

It’s important to abandon politics: Lutsenko commented on the Biden investigation

Under the Ukrainian law, former US Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter did not violate the Ukrainian laws.

This was informed by the ex-prosecutor general Yuriy Lutsenko, according to UNIAN.

We are talking about the participation of Hunter Biden in the Ukrainian company Burisma, and, according to the norms of the Ukrainian legislation, Ukraine has no reason to initiate an investigation, Lutsenko explains. However, if the US has reason to believe that their nationals violated the American laws, and this will require help of the Ukrainian law enforcement authorities, the United States can count on it. But only Americans can initiate such an investigation, the former prosecutor general insists.

The forms of cooperation can be different. These may be answers to the questions posed by the American side, or work in a joint investigation team.

"A quicker option is a joint investigation team... This case, if it is initiated in the United States, then of course it can get along," Lutsenko thinks.

The issue of BURISMA and participation of the Bidens in it was raised, among others, at the meeting of Yuriy Lutsenko and Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani.

Joe Biden is the main rival of Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, which will be held in 2020. This fact makes the situation especially delicate. That is why, Yuriy Lutsenko insists on the strict observance of the legal component of a possible investigation, so as not to harm the US-Ukrainian relations.

"God forbid, back at home – then it means that, knowing in advance that we have no jurisdiction, we simply undertake that, what cannot be done. As a result, we will become enemies of both sides," Yuriy Lutsenko warns.

The mentioned meeting between Lutsenko and Giuliani took place in January 2018, and then the Prosecutor General Lutsenko asked Rudolph Giuliani "what doors to knock on" in order to return the money stolen by the Yanukovych regime to Ukraine. According to the former prosecutor general, the Yanukovych government placed Ukrainian foreign loan bonds worth about $7 billion in the United States, with an obligation to pay to one of the US hedge funds.

According to Lutsenko, he agreed to meet with Giuliani, as he wanted to get a general investigation over the money of "the criminal gang of Yanukovych, most of which is in the United States."