Russians have switched to missiles from Kim Jong-un, but there's a nuance

Russians started to use Korean missiles. Since they haven't been in use from the Soviet times, there are cases when they don’t work.

This was reported by the press officer of the 26 artillery brigade Oleg Kalashnikov on the air of Apostrophe TV.

Read also: The threat level has multiplied: Russians have now started using thermobaric warhead on Shaheds.

According to him, there are up to 20 combat battles in total per week. Positions are constantly changing from one side to another. The number of mines has decreased due to weather conditions, but this doesn't affect the general situation.

"Because the enemy has mined everything so much already, often they themselves no longer know where they have these mines. They don't have maps of minefields. And the mining is so heavy that it is already bothering the occupants themselves," Kalashnikov noted.

He also reported that the enemy has significantly increased the number of UAVs, in particular intelligence scouts.

According to Kalashnikov, there are drug addicts and mentally inadequate people among the Russian captives. Some of the Russian military consciously surrender, and there are those who decided to surrender even before getting to the front.

Earlier we told you that the Russian Armed Forces killed civilians in the center of Kherson.