Saturday, 28 September

MP Derkach released the recordings of Joe Biden's conversations with Petro Poroshenko
On May 19, Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach held a curious press conference, where he released what appeared to be the recordings of Petro Poroshenko's conversations with former Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State John Kerry.

Mike Bloomberg ends his 2020 presidential bid and endorses Joe Biden
On Wednesday, March 4, Mike Bloomberg ended his 2020 presidential bid and endorsed Joe Biden. The billionaire, philanthropist, and former New York City mayor announced that he is suspending his presidential bid after his poor performance on Super Tuesday.

​Joe Biden celebrated his decisive South Carolina victory: what’s next?
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s overwhelming victory in South Carolina has revived his campaign, placing Biden a close second in terms of a delegate lead.

Pete Buttigieg drops out of the presidential race
Pete Buttigieg – former mayor of South Bend, Indiana – ended his campaign for President on Sunday night.

Giuliani plans to produce a documentary on Hunter Biden
Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, plans to produce a documentary on Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine, as was reported by Yahoo News.

Bernie Sanders is projected to narrowly win in New Hampshire
With 90% of the precincts reporting, Bernie Sanders is projected to narrowly win in New Hampshire.

Lindsey Graham: DOJ “created a process” for Giuliani to provide information from Ukraine
In his interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation”, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the Department of Justice has “created a process that Rudy [Giuliani] could give information” collected in Ukraine to be verified.

97% of Iowa results in: Pete Buttigieg holds a narrow lead
With 97% of Iowa results reported, Pete Buttigieg holds an extremely narrow delegate lead over Bernie Sanders.

The Senate voted to acquit Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment
On Wednesday, February 5, the Senate voted to acquit Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment against him – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.