Sunday, 2 June

Britain to hit Russian oligarchs with tough sanctions
Russian oligarchs in London will be hit with tough new sanctions to deter Moscow from invading Ukraine, even if it hurts the UK economy, Apostrophe reports with reference to the Independent.

The threat of a new invasion: France and Germany made a statement on Russia
Following the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba in Brussels, the Foreign Ministers of Germany and France made a joint statement on support for Ukraine.

There will be consequences: Europe threatened Russia in case of an offensive against Ukraine
On Friday, November 12, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and Florence Parly, Minister for the Armed Forces, received their Russian counterparts, Ministers Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Shoygu, within the framework of the Franco-Russian Cooperation Council for Security Issues.

Hungary agreed on gas from the Russian Federation: Kyiv warned Budapest about a threat
Hungary has signed a new 15-year natural-gas supply deal with Russia's state-controlled energy giant Gazprom in a move sharply criticized by Ukraine.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit Ukraine next week
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Kyiv next week, a clear signal of the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine’s government against threats from Russia, New York Times reports.

Persona non grata: Ukraine is to expel a Russian consul from Odesa
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has declared Russia’s consul in the city of Odessa persona non grata in response to Moscow’s expulsion of a Ukrainian diplomat on April 26, the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

A "conversation" with Lavrov and the threat of invasion by Putin's troops: what did Ukrainian Foreign Minister say at the briefing?
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba assumes there is a possibility of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Ukraine initiated an emergency meeting of the Ukraine-NATO commission due to Russia's actions
On Tuesday, April 13, the NATO Secretary-General Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will meet the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Mr.

Ukraine rejected Iran's final report on the downing of a flight PS752
On Wednesday, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation (CAO) released its final report on the downing of a Ukraine Airlines flight last year that drew swift condemnation from Ukraine and Canada.

Belarus claimed that Ukraine was supplying weaponry for terrorist attacks: Ukrainian MFA responded
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine categorically denied the claims of the Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus Ivan Tertel regarding the large weaponry supplies from Ukraine to Belarus.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó paid an official visit to Kyiv, Ukraine
On January 27, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba held an official meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary Péter Szijjártó, who arrived in Kyiv at the invitation of the Ukrainian MFA.

Ukrainian MFA handed a note of protest to Hungarian ambassador for campaigning efforts during local elections
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine handed a note of protest to the Hungarian ambassador Istvan Iidyart due to Hungarian officials' campaigning in favor of a party at local elections in Transcarpathia.