Wednesday, 12 March

A new missile launch observed in North Korea

North Korea has fired two suspected short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, January 17. This is the fourth weapons test this month. Pyongyang continues a wave of missile launches that have triggered condemnation at the United Nations.

This was reported by the Japanese Coast Guard.

They claim that the North likely fired two ballistic missiles from the Sunan airport in the capital and that they traveled 380km (236 miles) to a maximum altitude of 42km (26 miles).

Although none of the fishing vessels were damaged, the Japanese authorities warned about the danger in the area.

According to Kyodo agency, the missile did not get into Japan's exclusive economic zone in the sea sea.

Tokyo continues to analyze the information on launches.

The South Korean Chiefs of Staff Committee said that Pyongyang launched two ballistic missiles at the same time.

This year this is the fourth launch of the missile by North Korea, the previous one occurred on January 14. The military fired short-range ballistic missiles from train cars, while days earlier it conducted two tests of what it claims were hypersonic missiles, which are harder to detect.

Pyongyang is testing nuclear weapons.The UN prohibits North Korea from ballistic and nuclear weapons tests, and has imposed strict sanctions. But the East Asian state regularly defies the ban, and leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to bolster his country's defences.