Sunday, 16 February

'May the best woman win': Trump's rival made a statement after reaching the finish line

Nikki Haley, a candidate for the U.S. presidency from the Republican Party in the elections of 2024, after Ron DeSantis withdrew his candidacy from the race, wished herself victory in the primaries.

This is reported by The New York Times.

"There's one man and one woman left. Now I'll leave you with this. May the best woman win," she declared.

According to The New York Times, Haley and her allies have long sought to frame the presidential race as a fight between her and Trump. Now that DeSantis has dropped out of the race, that argument has gained more traction. Though the latest polling averages put Haley 15 percentage points behind Trump in New Hampshire.

She also pledged to stay in the race until the South Carolina primary and "Super Tuesday" on March 5, regardless of the results of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, January 23.

Earlier "Apostrophe" reported that Trump won the first Republican primary.