Sunday, 2 June

Сергей Прилуцкий – страница 6

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We Celebrate the Triumph of Democracy: Joe Biden’s first speech as president / “Democracy has prevailed,” U.S. President Joe Biden said in his inaugural speech on December 20.

2021-01-20 19:23

Trump's farewell speech as president: videos and main theses / Incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump, whose term expires on January 20, released his ‘farewell’ address.

2021-01-20 00:05

“Fight like hell”: Trump urged voters to back Republicans in the Senate runoffs / Unrepentant president urges voters to support Republicans in the Senate runoffs on Tuesday and veers off-script with bogus claims of a stolen election.

2021-01-5 23:49

The European Union annulled sanctions against former Ukrainian PM Mykola Azarov / The European Court of Justice has declared illegal the sanctions of the Council of the EU against the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, as was stated in the judgement of the court of the first instance of December 16 )published on Thursday, December 24).

2020-12-25 07:04

In USA, Baltimore BGE building has exploded: there are victims / On Wednesday, December 23, there was a powerful explosion in a high-rise office building in Baltimore.

2020-12-23 19:42

People being shot : a new video of the shootings in Belarus / In Minsk, Belarus, where the protests against the incumbent president Aleksandr Lukashenko have been ongoing for several months, a new video of shootings has surfaces.

2020-12-22 19:28

In Britain, panic-buying has erupted once again as people scramble to get last-minute supplies ahead of Christmas / In the United Kingdom, a panic-buying frenzy has come as the new dangerous strain of COVID-19 was detected here, forcing tough restrictions on millions of Englishmen.

2020-12-22 16:36

A shooting in Switzerland: video and first details / Two people were injured during a shooting in Biel, Switzerland, as was reported by Blick with reference to eyewitnesses.

2020-11-12 21:23

Belarus banned its main oppositional Telegram channel: the owners are facing criminal charges / In Belarus, Telegram channel NEXTA-Live, which actively covers mass protests against Alexander Lukashenko, was banned for ‘extremism’.

2020-10-20 16:39

​6 million USD: Burisma harshly responded to bribe accusations / Burisma Group has nothing to do with the scandal of a 6 million USD bribe to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO).

2020-06-13 10:21