Friday, 28 June

Ivan Troyanov – страница 10

Editor, author of blogs, occasional writer. I understand a little about politics and economics. Previously, I worked in the "Arguments and Facts in Ukraine" (editor of the economics and politics sections). Also I was engaged in literary and volunteer activities.

All author's posts

77 thousand refugees from Ukraine found jobs in Poland / According to the Ministry of Family and Social Policy of Poland, 77,000 citizens of Ukraine started working in Poland.

2022-05-3 15:17

The West was called for imposing sanctions against the IT industry of Russia and Belarus / In response to the aggressive warfighting against Ukraine and cyber attacks against Western countries, the international community should impose sanctions on the purchase of any software products and IT services of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

2022-04-29 21:01

Russia is preparing for a possible military operation in Moldova - intelligence / According to a Guildhall source in Ukrainian intelligence, the Russian Federation has begun destabilizing Moldova, which could result in military aggression against the country.

2022-04-26 15:57

The Russian government is preparing for an unprecedented loss of work by the population - intelligence / The Russian government is preparing to neutralize the negative consequences of the upcoming unprecedented outbreak of unemployment in Russia.

2022-04-22 19:17

Propaganda in the Russian army about the "necessity" of war against Ukraine, servicemen are intimidated for refusal - intelligence / Due to the low morale and psychological state of the personnel and their mass refusals to fight against Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces started an outreach campaign to validate the so-called "denazification" and "demilitarization" of Ukraine, intimidating military servants with criminal liability for refusing to participate in warfare.

2022-04-20 12:31

The U.S. should provide Ukraine with aviation and air defense - Senator Mitt Romney / As the leader of the free world, the United States of America should provide Ukraine with all the necessary help against Russian aggression.

2022-04-15 15:34

Russia prepares the provocation to justify the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine - Centre for Defence Reforms / Given the inability of Russians to gain a military victory in Ukraine by conventional forces, the leadership of the Russian Federation probably decided to organize a provocation by Russian special forces under the guise of Ukrainians at the "object S" of the RF Strategic Nuclear Forces in Belgorod-22 in order to justify the use of nuclear weapons in Donbas.

2022-04-13 15:51

Norwegian parliament proposes transferring NASAMS air defense and NSM strike missiles to Ukraine / The West, in particular the NATO countries, have to significantly increase military assistance to Ukraine.

2022-04-13 12:36

The U.S. should provide Ukraine with the air defense systems, fighter aircrafts and other lethal weapons - Senator Ted Cruz / The United States of America is responsible for providing Ukraine with everything that is required for the protection against Russia.

2022-04-12 20:25

Russia exploits cooperation with the West in space to provide missile forces with technology / The Russian Federation takes advantage of cooperation with Western countries in the field of space exploration to provide its Armed Forces, in particular the missile forces, with high-tech products.

2022-04-10 17:51