Monday, 3 June

Liubov Borovyk – страница 11

News feed editor. I have experience as a copywriter of various thematic materials and was responsible for managing the news feed of an educational institution in Kyiv Facebook, Instagram

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A fatal strike on Chernihiv: Ukraine announced its demands to international organizations / Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets published an urgent appeal to international organizations because of yesterday's missile attack on Chernihiv by Russia

2024-04-18 10:48

The Poles are once again strengthening the blockade of the border with Ukraine / ​Polish farmers announced a new blockade of checkpoints - in addition to blocking the Korczowa – Krakovets checkpoint, they will also block the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint

2024-04-18 10:20

Russia launched Shahed drones all night: in which regions explosions were heard / ​On the night of April 18,Russia launched groups of Shahed UAVs at Ukraine. Explosions were heard in Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions

2024-04-18 06:46

Russian missiles hit a hospital: the first minutes after the strike in Chernihiv are shown online. Video. / On Wednesday, April 17, Russia attacked the center of Chernihiv with missiles. 14 people were killed, another 61 injured, including two children

2024-04-17 14:14

Zelensky confirmed that Russians destroyed Trypillia TPP because of "0 missiles for air defense" / Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russians were able to destroy Trypillia TPP, because Ukraine has completely run out of missiles for air defense

2024-04-16 11:13

Ukraine is not Israel: the White House explains why it will not help the Ukrainian Armed Forces to repel Russian attacks / NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications in the White House John Kirby said that the US will not interfere in Russia's war against Ukraine and will not shoot down Iranian drones over Ukraine, as they are talking about different threats

2024-04-16 08:39

Russia has prepared a springboard for an offensive from Belarus: should we expect a new invasion from the north / State Border Guard Service Spokesperson Andriy Demchenko said that the situation on the border with Belarus is under control. Ukraine is strengthening the border and building fortifications to effectively repel any attack

2024-04-15 10:53

Not a single intact house: this is what Robotyne in Zaporizhzhia Region looks like now. Video. / Ukraine’s Southern Defense Forces have shown several shots of what Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia Region, looks like now

2024-04-15 09:18

Russia has already lost a third of the Black Sea Fleet / During the full-scale invasion, the Russian Black Sea Fleet lost a third of its warships

2024-04-15 07:33

The enemy's cynicism has no limits: Russians shelled police officers, who were delivering bread to local residents / On April 11, local residents and police officers delivering bread and construction materials came under enemy fire in Makiivka

2024-04-12 11:10