Sunday, 23 February

According to a European Commission official, the EU will provide Ukraine with a major tranche of assistance after the new energy market is introduced

Introducing a law on the electricity market is a condition for Ukraine to receive the next tranche of macro-assistance from the EU – 500 million euros.

According to Quebec Telegram, the European Commission NEAR Directorate General, Christian Danielsson, shared this with journalists after his meetings with Ukrainian government representatives in Kyiv.

The European Commission representative reminded that the possibility of macro-assistance to Ukraine depends on the country meeting the cooperation with IMF program, as well as conditions fixed in the agreement between Ukraine and EU regarding financial assistance. One of the conditions is introducing the electricity market.

“Some of the important conditions for receiving the next tranche are passing the law on combating money laundering, the law on authorized economic operators, an effective system for checking electronic declarations, a plan for reforming the customs and tax administration, and the implementation of the law on the electricity market,” he stated.

According to the Ukrainian law “On the electric energy market”, the new electricity market has to be launched on July 1, 2019, complying with the European standards. This is one of the conditions for a cooperation program with IMF, under which Ukraine counts on receiving 2,5 billion dollars in the current year, as well as EU’s macro-financial assistance in the amount of 500 million euros.

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Category: BusinessEnergy Theme: Энергорынок
Tags: EU, energy, market