Saturday, 15 March

Croatia supported Ukraine's accession to the EU

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Andrej Plenković, who is on a working visit in Ukraine. During the meeting, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Andrej Plenković signed a joint Declaration on Ukraine's European perspective, the Office of President of Ukraine reports.

The Declaration identifies priority areas of cooperation between Ukraine and Croatia within the strategic course of our country towards full membership in the European Union.

The document reaffirms the significant progress made by Ukraine in implementing the Association Agreement with the EU and identifies key areas for further reforms.

With the signing of a Joint Declaration at the level of the President of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, the country's support for Ukraine's European perspective was recorded. At the same time, Croatia will also continue to support our country's efforts to meet the criteria for EU membership.

The document highlights the common interest of Ukraine and Croatia in security and stability in the region and Europe as a whole and emphasizes the importance of adhering to the principle of inviolability of internationally recognized borders.

Thus, the Republic of Croatia became the sixth member state of the European Union to support Ukraine's membership.

"Today, Ukraine and Croatia have taken a very important step towards strengthening friendship and cooperation between our two countries. Croatia is already the sixth EU country with which Ukraine is concluding such an important political document. I also appreciate the strong support of our Croatian partners for Ukraine's movement towards membership in the Alliance," the President said in a statement to the media after the talks.

For his part, Andrej Plenković noted that the Declaration in support of Ukraine's European perspective is a confirmation of what has been implemented in practice for many years.

"We support Ukraine's European initiatives, support the reform process and believe that this is the best way to improve the quality of life of Ukrainians and adapt the legal system and economic market," he said.