Tuesday, 4 March

The European Parliament demands from Russia to release the kidnapped Oleg Baturin, Ukrainian journalist

Exclusively with UNIAN, Members of the European Parliament shared their statement in which they bear full responsibility of the kidnapping of Oleg Baturin, a Ukrainian journalist, in Kakhovka, Ukraine on Russia and demand from Russians his release.

"We, Members of European Parliament condemn in strongest words the kidnapping of the journalist Oleg Baturyn in Kakhovka, Ukraine by the Russian occupiers. We demand immediate release of Oleg Baturyn as well as all recently kidnapped persons", - according to the statement.

"We call for international support for all kidnapped journalists and persons in Ukraine. Russia bears full responsibility for these unspeakable crimes", - the MPs summerized.

Participants of the statement, European Parliament MPs:

1.Petras Auštrevičius, Renew Europe

2.Viola von Cramon, Greens

3.Juozas Olekas, Socialists

4.Michael Gahler, European peoples party

5.Ramona- Victoria Strugariu, Renew Europe

And Ivanna Klympush- Tsintsadze, European Solidarity, Ukrainian MP