Saturday, 22 February

Ukrainian combat corvette Hetman Ivan Mazepa has passed its first sea trials. Photo

The Ukrainian corvette Hetman Ivan Mazepa, which was launched in October Earlier, we reported that a Magura V5 attacked Russian boat in Crimea.2022, has undergone its first sea trials.

Turkish maritime observer Enes Balcı wrote about it on the social network X.

The report notes that the Ukrainian corvette Hetman Ivan Mazepa (F-211) has already left the RMK Marine shipyard for sea trials.

It is worth mentioning that about a year and a half has passed since the launch of the newest Ukrainian corvette (in October 2022) and the first trials.

A Turkish marine observer posted several photos on the social network, based on which it is already possible to assess the corvette's combat equipment, in particular, Militarnyi reports that on the ship can already be seen:

  • 76-mm Leonardo Super Rapid naval artillery system manufactured by an Italian company,
  • 35-mm Aselsan Gokdeniz anti-aircraft artillery mount located in the stern of the ship,
  • VL MICA naval anti-aircraft missile system on the ship's bow,
  • 12.7-millimeter STAMP remote control units - located on the port and starboard sides,
  • Thales Sting EO MK2 fire control radar, Aselsan satellite communication system,
  • ARES-2N electronic warfare system,
  • Mk 36 SRBOC Super Rapid Bloom Offboard Countermeasures.

In addition, it is known that the Mazepa is to be equipped with ALPER tactical navigation radar and SMART-S MK2 3D radar, the latter being responsible for searching and detecting air targets.

Due to the angle of the photo, it is not possible to assess the torpedo tubes and anti-ship missile launchers, but it can be assumed that Mazepa will be armed with Murene 90 Impact torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles, while Atmaca is unlikely.

Nothing is known about other weapons elements.

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Earlier, we reported that Magura V5 attack marine drone hit Russian boat in Crimea.