Wednesday, 5 March

When Firtash might be sent to the US: Austria voiced potential deadlines

The extradition of the Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash from Austria to the US might be delayed until after fall 2019, as reported by “Voice of America” with a link to Vienna’s criminal court.

“As of today, there is no extradition date. The accused appealed to reopen the case and filed many documents. According to the Austrian Code of Procedure, an approval to reopen the case might be granted – and that’s what happened. Including the array of information and new evidence, it requires time to evaluate the request for reopening of the case. The court’s decision, however, may again be subject to appeal. That is why even when the judges make their decision on reopening the case, I don’t think the process will end,” said the Court’s speaker Christina Zaltsborn.

Answering the additional question of how long the process might take, she stated, “I believe it will take until after fall. Everything depends on time of procedure for reopening the case.”