Tuesday, 1 April

How to remove "spy" functions on your smartphone: a useful lifehack

Any android smartphone bugs its owner by default, spying and transmitting the obtained information to third parties. In addition, these actions create a load on the system, deteriorating the performance of the phone.

Resource itechua shared useful tips on how to disable these settings.

Google uses a number of technologies to track users. One of them is called "active learning", allowing it to improve speech recognition and personalize ads.

Another technology is called "profiling" and allows Google to collect information about online activity and show more relevant advertising.

How to disable Android spy settings:

1. Google Settings

Open the Settings app and go to the Google section. Then tap the three dots in the top right corner and select "Usage and Diagnostics". Turn on "Activity Tracking." This will prevent Google from sending you information about your phone usage.

2. Customizing Your Keyboard

Open the Settings app and go to the "Language and input" section. Then select the keyboard you're using. Tap the three dots in the top right corner and select "Settings". Uncheck "Send statistics," "Personalize for you," and "Improve for everyone." This will prevent Google Keyboard from sending you information about what you type.

3. Customizing Text-to-Speech Conversion

Open the Settings application and find the Language and Input section. Then select "Text-to-Speech". Tap the three dots in the top right corner and select "Settings". Turn off the "Anonymous text-to-speech reporting". This will prevent Google from sending your language information to the microphone.

After disabling spy settings, restart your phone.

Turning off spy settings will make your cell phone run faster and longer. It also reduces the risk of personal data being shared with third parties. However, disabling spy settings may affect some of the phone's features. For example, the user may no longer receive personalized advertising or recommendations.

Earlier "Apostrophe" wrote about a smartphone-drone with artificial intelligence, which in the near future will replace sticks for selfies.