Saturday, 29 March

The miracle plant will increase yields many times over: how to sow phacelia correctly in spring

Smart gardeners told their secrets, how to enrich the soil with nitrogen. A miracle plant - phacelia - can cope with this.

About it tells "Apostrophe".

Lifehack to improve the quality of the soil

According to experts, thanks to phacelia, you can reduce the active growth of weeds and other unwanted plants in the vegetable garden. It is able to perfectly restore fertility on the plot. When the plant grows, it brings active elements into the soil. After that, it should be plowed and left in the ground, even without adding such organics as manure, humus or compost.

The high content of nitrogenous substances allows you to fertilize the soil well. Therefore, the recovery of depleted soil after harvesting goes quickly and easily.

As noted by vegetable gardeners, for the first time the siderate should be sown in early spring, when the first snow melts. At the same time, the plant is able to withstand even the most severe frosts.

After a month, the area where phacelia was sown should be cleaned (cut and plow the ground). After such fertilization, the plot is suitable for:

  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • cabbage;
  • peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • legumes;
  • leafy greens.

Phacelia can be sown in almost every season except winter. It should be done several times to give maximum benefit to the plot.

For sowing the plant, you need to add river sand to the seed packet. Such a mixture needs to be spread on plowed areas.

The following rules have to be used for a balanced fertilization of the soil:

  • phacelia should be sown, keeping the width between the rows at 45-60 cm;
  • the norm for sowing seeds is 5-6 kg/ha;
  • the plant should be sown to a depth of 3 cm;
  • it is necessary from time to time to pull weeds and clean the ground from leaves on the plot with a siderate.

To remind, vegetable gardeners shared the secrets of how to get a gorgeous early harvest of cucumbers in May.