Russia has turned to the tactics of "missile creativity"

After the unsuccessful "winter offensive" and the need to show some new "results", the Russians have switched to the tactics of "missile creativity".

This opinion was expressed by a military expert, pilot-instructor, Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Roman Svitan on the air of Apostrophe TV.

"Among the latest cases, on March 25, they launched Zircon, a hypersonic missile, but in fact a very raw development that is too early to put on combat duty. Considering the fact that Zircon was shot down and the actual characteristics of these missiles, they are still far from being mass-produced," the expert noted.

The combined attack of the X-22 and X-31 is one of the manifestations of such "creativity": first, the Russians launched an X-22 missile in the direction of Odesa to see how our air defense systems would respond. Then they launched an anti-radar X-31. All these X-22s and X-31s never made it, they fell into the sea.

"Therefore, the Russians, seeing that they could not put pressure on the population with missiles, began to bomb Kharkiv. All of this is part of their terrorist tactics, including information terrorism, in order to somehow diversify their actions against our country," Svitan summarized.

Earlier, we reported that on March 27, Russian occupants shelled Mykolaiv with ballistic missiles.