Friday, 14 March

There will be more "Bavovna" in Russia: Dovbush UAV manufacturer received the task to triple the production of deep-strike drones

Volodymyr Yatsenko, developer of airplane-type drones for the AFU which can reach targets at distance of 1000+ km, was tasked by the state to increase the production of the deep-strike unmanned aerial vehicles during the next three months. He is also bringing in various experts, including chemical warfare agents, to develop ultralight, yet high-powered munitions. Mr. Yatsenko spoke of these plans during the United News Telemarathon.

"As of today, our Ukrainian-made aircrafts can easily cover 1000+ kilometers despite the obstacles, and it’s not just the Dovbush drones that are capable of it. Technology plays a major role in it. We’ve started 3D-printing metal parts, including the engines, and we can already print them today in the quantities we need to ensure parity with the aggressor country.

We have completely switched to internal combustion gasoline engines, since only the aircraft equipped with such motors can cover 1000+ km range. There’s no alternative in this point in time. What needs to be done is the production of modern engines, economical and efficient, and not taken from the Chinese lawn mowers. Therefore, we’re constantly buying new equipment, since the demand for our drones exceeds our production capabilities.

Right now, I need to increase the production of the 1000+ km deep-strike drones threefold in the next three months. Moreover, we’re now closely working and involving specialists from the chemical industry, who are well versed in means of destruction, in order to develop low-weight munitions – something around 10 kilos, not 200 – yet able to keep the fires raging for days", said Volodymyr Yatsenko.

Mr. Yatsenko pressed the necessity of continuous attacks on Russia’s oil refinery and storage assets, as they are the aggressor’s weak point.

"Indeed, we’ve set our boot on the enemy’s sore spot, and we should keep the boot there, despite all the screaming and shouting. This is not just about the oil refining facility, but also to everything around: power supplies, pipelines, etc. – all of this must be destroyed. Same goes for the gas supply. They are very hard to cover with nets or air defense systems.

Once we’ve sunk our teeth in, we must finish it", summed up Volodymyr Yatsenko.