Residents of Kharkiv urged to take their children out of the city: the situation has escalated, people are scared

Despite the fact that the Russian occupation forces did not make any advances in the Kharkiv direction, the situation in Kharkiv city remains tense, in particular because of the recent attacks - residents are advised to take their children out of the city for the summer.

Maria Zaitseva, a Deputy of the Kharkiv Regional Council, spoke to Apostrophe TV about the tense situation in Kharkiv, the latest shelling and events at the border.

She pointed out that the situation in the city remains tense, and the absence of shelling last night was replaced by Russian Shahed drones:

"The latest events in the city are disturbing, people are nervous. Last night there was no shelling, but there were Shaheds - thanks to our defenders, they were shot down."

Zaitseva recalls that the recent shelling has scared the locals considerably - in particular, the attack on the recreation center: "that's why people don't walk the streets as actively, as they used to, while there is an escalation on the border."

As for the situation at the border, she notes that it is under control. However, due to the ongoing drone war, "a lot of reconnaissance drones and Shaheds unfortunately fly into the Kharkiv Region."

Given the escalating situation, many people are starting to leave.

"My personal recommendation is that we should try to take our children out of the city for this summer," said a member of the Kharkiv Regional Council, "because the constant shelling by the KABs results in a lot of damage, mostly to civilian infrastructure, and therefore there is a lot of concern for the children."

Earlier, we reported whether there would be a Russian offensive in Sumy Region.