The situation is very difficult: what are the consequences of the Russian attack on DniproHES for Zaporizhzhia

Russian strikes on DniproHES (Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Station) have caused a difficult situation at the plant. The damage to the roadway does not pose any critical problems at the moment, but a potential traffic shutdown through DniproHES dam could have significant consequences for Zaporizhzhia City.

Askad Ashurbekov, a deputy of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, spoke to Apostrophe TV about the results of the attack on DniproHES and the importance of traffic through the dam for the life of Zaporizhzhia.

After the strikes by Russia, he calls the situation at the Dnipro HPP difficult because of the damage:

"Because the enemy has hit not only the generation components at DniproHES, but also the roadway, the dam, and as a result, there is serious damage that is very difficult to repair quickly, and it is very difficult to restore the logistics that was in place when the dam was intact."

The Zaporizhzhia MP believes that this could have a serious impact on logistics, particularly for two residential areas on the right bank of Zaporizhzhia City.

"This is a big problem, because there are two large residential areas on the right bank of Zaporizhzhia, and it significantly affects the logistics of the city's residents. Now we are not talking about generation or electricity supply."

He emphasizes that this does not currently have a significant impact on the life of Zaporizhzhia, because "there are bypass routes through the new bridge that was built just before the war,'' so life in any district of Zaporizhzhia and the operation of critical infrastructure has not stopped. However, looking ahead, Askad Ashurbekov adds:

"In the long term, it is clear that without the roadway, without traffic through DniproHES, it will be quite difficult for Zaporizhzhia to function."

Earlier, we wrote about how the attack on Trypillia TPP will affect Ukraine's energy sector.