With extreme cynicism: Russians seize property of Ukrainians in Zaporizhzhia Region

Russians are terrorizing the population of Zaporizhzhia, cynically seizing property from Ukrainians, thus intimidating those who have left for the territories controlled by Ukraine.

Askad Ashurbekov, a deputy of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, spoke about the situation in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia Region on the air of Apostrophe TV.

He emphasized that one of the key topics today is the register of so-called "ownerless property". Ashurbekov explains that the Russians are actually trying to intimidate people into returning to the temporarily occupied territories. Otherwise, they promise to simply seize their property:

"they are actually trying to intimidate people who have left for Ukraine-controlled territory to force them to return, or simply steal their property and transfer it to other people."

As a member of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council recalls, there were cases when people agreed to come back, but were denied entry at checkpoints:

"there are cases when people from the Ukraine-controlled territory agree to come, but they are not even allowed to enter at the checkpoints. In other words, it is a total profanation, and this property register is simply a "de jure" seizure of the property of Ukrainian citizens," Ashurbekov concludes.

Earlier, we reported that Russia deliberately caused famine for residents of Mariupol.