Friday, 21 March

Epiphanius predicted Putin's fate

The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphany, noted that the Kremlin authorities constantly lie, calling black white, evil good, the attacker a victim, and crimes feats.

So Epiphanius predicted the fate of Russian announcer Vladimir Putin, citing a message from the Holy Bible.

The Primate said that it is now clearly visible how the Kremlin is inventing new lies to cover up all its crimes against Ukraine.

"Today we see very clearly how 'Satan himself takes on the appearance of an angel of light... and his servants take on the appearance of servants of truth.' We see this clearly in the Russian example, when the ruler who unleashed a bloody war against us, each time invents a new lie in order to somehow cover up, justify his atrocities," writes Epiphanius.

But he adds that the Russian Federation uses different definitions for war.

"Russia calls the occupation, armed aggression and terrorism against our sovereign state and the Ukrainian people "liberation", "the fight against the Nazis", "a conspiracy of Western powers", etc. It also calls the war itself either a "conflict" or a "holy war", which simply does not exist in Christianity, because war is a terrible thing, it is the consequence of a great sin, therefore aggression cannot be sacred, sanctified. The Kremlin authorities constantly lie, calling black white, evil good, the attacker a victim, and crimes feats...

This is the essence of evil and the sign of the devil, because he is "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). Therefore, any words that justify evil, that cite manifestations of sin as proof of the norm and present them as good, that put personal ambitions above the lives of other people - this is the flattery of the devil," the head of the OCU explained.

At the same time, it predicts that evil will not be judged by piety, which is feigned.

"But not by words, not by feigned piety, and not by a fictitious "good purpose" will they be judged: "But their end will be according to their works" (2 Cor. 11:15) - the Scripture testifies. So no matter how anyone justifies himself, his works or actions, God always knows their true essence, which has not a temporary value, but an eternal one. Beware of falsehood, do not be tempted, be vigilant and always stand on the side of truth! May the Lord help us all in this," says Epiphanius.

But cites 2 Corinthians 11:14 - Holy Bible:

Earlier, Metropolitan Epiphanius responded to various discussions about negotiations and "mutually beneficial concessions." He emphasized that it is impossible to "reconcile" good with evil, and true peace is the victory of good, which will not be possible without eliminating the very cause of war, the cause of evil.