Wednesday, 26 June

He will continue pulling the strings: the future of Russian politics after Vladimir Putin's presidency
Despite the age, Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to have no plans to step down. It is most likely that he intends to hold the presidency for another 6 years term.

Putin was ‘bailed on’ with the Donbas issue?: Bogdan’s statement in an interview with Sobchak
The former head of the President's Office, lawyer and businessman Andriy Bohdan, who owns 10 apartments in an elite Chicago apartment building in central Kyiv and a luxury estate in Kozyn, said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had failed to fulfil his obligations to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Ready to give up Crimea? Putin suddenly stated that Azerbaijan had the right to return Karabakh
Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and unexpectedly mentioned that Azerbaijan had regained its sovereign territories.

Putin may be allowed to run for two more presidential terms: details
A bill has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which provides the possibility for Russian President Vladimir Putin to run for two more presidential terms.

Donald Trump suggests inviting Vladimir Putin to expanded G7 summit
As the U.S. faces a wave of protests after George Floyd’s death in police custody, President Trump had an interesting conversation with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

Russian senators supported Putin's constitutional changes
Russian politicians approved Vladimir Putin’s amendments to the constitution, including changes that would allow Putin to run for two more terms in the Kremlin.

Trump states he would like Ukraine and Russia to “come together” and “get along”
U.S. President Donald Trump said he would like to see Russia and Ukraine “come together” and “get along”.