Sunday, 16 June

Russia announced another "red line" for Ukraine
Russia will attack Ukraine unless NATO gives cast-iron guarantees that Kyiv will never be allowed to join the alliance, Fyodor Lukyanov, a Kremlin-linked foreign policy expert has said according to The Telegraph.

Moscow disclosed the correspondence regarding preparations of the next Normandy format meeting
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation published correspondence between the head of the ministry, Sergei Lavrov, with colleagues from France and Germany in order to avoid distortions of Moscow’s position regarding the meeting of diplomats in Normandy format.

Putin signed a decree on humanitarian support for the so-called DPR and LPR
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on humanitarian support for people living in certain districts of Ukraine’s Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Merkel pressures Putin to act on Poland-Belarus standoff
On Thursday, November 11, Germany's outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian PresidentVladimir Putin to help resolve the ongoing migrant standoff between Poland and Belarus and addressed the security situation in Ukraine, press service of the Federal Government of Germanyreports.

Putin did not keep his promise regarding higher gas flows: gas prices in Europe jump to $1,000
European gas and power prices surged on signs Russia won’t deliver the boost in supplies President Vladimir Putin promised.

The worst case scenario: Zelensky did not rule out full-scale military aggression in the Donbas
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that he would like to hold a substantive summit of the leaders of the countries participating in the Normandy format, which would end with concrete results and bring an end to the war in the Donbas and the de-occupation of Ukrainian territories as close as possible.

Putin is ready for negotiations with Zelensky: the Kremlin said what they want to talk about
Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate with the head of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Merkel’s last working visit to Russia: what did Merkel and Putin talk about?
On Friday, August 20, German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in the Russian Federation on her last working visit German Chancellor used her final official visit to Russia to tell President Vladimir Putin to free Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, but the Kremlin leader rebuffed her, saying the jailing was unrelated to politics.

Biden warns of Putin's efforts to interfere in the 2022 US midterm elections
On Tuesday, July 27, during the daily intelligence briefing President Joe Biden warned that Russia is attempting to use disinformation to interfere in the 2022 U.S.

The majority of Ukrainians do not agree with Putin's "one nation" statement: the results of the survey
The majority of Ukrainians do not support Putin's statement on the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians, which he published in his recent article about Ukraine.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a telephone conversation with Russian President Putin regarding the Nord Stream 2
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel at her initiative, Kremlin reports.

Joe Biden had a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin: what did they talk about?
On Friday, July 9, U.S. President Joe Biden held an hour-long telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the White House press-service reports.

Putin reacted to the Sea Breeze exercise in the Black Sea: they "tackled" to the borders of the Russian Federation
Russian President Vladimir Putin is concerned about Ukraine’sparticipation in large-scale military exercises - Sea Breeze in the Black Sea.

The Ukrainian issue was raised during the Biden-Putin summit: what exactly did the presidents talk about?
U.S. and Russian Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin have concluded their meeting in Geneva. During the negotiations, the situation in Ukraine was touched upon.

Biden spoke about Ukraine's sovereignty and the "red line" for Putin
U.S. President Joe Biden intends to draw the "red lines" on the issues on which the positions of Russia and the United States differ at the upcoming meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, as Biden said following the NATO leaders summit in Brussels, Reuters reports.

Pressure to investigate Biden conspiracies: CNN obtained an audio of Giuliani’s 2019 call with Andriy Yermak
CNN reported that the agency had exclusively obtained a never-before-heard audio that shows how former President Donald Trump's longtime adviser and lawyer Rudy Giuliani relentlessly pressured and coaxed the Ukrainian government in 2019 to investigate baseless conspiracies about then-presidential candidate Joe Biden.

How to avoid a nuclear war: 8 important steps were announced ahead of the Biden-Putin summit
On Sunday, June 6, Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG) made a statement “Advancing Strategic Stability in the Euro-Atlantic Region, 2021 and Beyond” in advance of the Putin-Biden summit scheduled to take place on June 16.

"I have been clear and direct": Biden about his upcoming meeting with Putin
On June 16, U.S. President Joe Biden will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva. The head of the White House said that during the negotiations he would express his readiness for constructive cooperation, but would stick to the tough position on fundamental issues.

Putin announced the completion of the first Nord Stream 2 line: what does it mean?
On June 4, the laying of the first line of pipes of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline was completed. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the St.

Lukashenko discussed Belavia flights to Crimea at a meeting with Putin
The self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko claimed that the government of Belarus and the Russian side will look into opening flights to Crimea, BelTA reported on Tuesday.