Monday, 17 June

The United States moved Ukraine to its highest level of COVID-19 travel risk
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has added just one new location to its list of "very high" risk travel destinations this week – Ukraine.

In the United States, transgender official is sworn in as four-star admiral
For the first time in the U.S. history, U.S. assistant secretary for health has been sworn in as the first transgender four-star officer.

The U.S. may impose further sanctions against Nord Stream 2: the deadline has been announced
Washington may impose further sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as soon as the beginning of December.

UN General Assembly kicks off in New York City: Biden gave his first speech
President Biden delivered his first UNGA speech at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as US President and pushed for a unified response to major issues, including climate change.

The US lifts travel ban on European citizens - it may also affect Ukrainians in Europe
The U.S. said Monday it will lift coronavirus travel restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers, reopening its borders for the first time in more than a year.

The UN General Assembly warned against ‘new Cold War’
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged the world to prevent a Cold War and halt conflicts. He made the comments exclusively for CNN.

President of Ukraine is set to arrive in the United States on September 20 to participate in the 76th Session of UN General Assembly
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Monday, September 20, will arrive in the United States on a working visit to attend the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

FBI releases first 9/11 document after Biden order
The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday released the first of what is expected to be several documents related to its investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and suspected Saudi government support for the hijackers, following an executive order by President Joe Biden.

Will Fly 90-Day Missions: the United States and Spain have created a new drone
The United States and Spain have created a solar-powered drone for the Navy, which is capable of performing 90-day missions.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine votes down the appeal to US Congress
The Verkhovna Rada has voted down draft resolution #5380 "On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the Congress of the United States of America on Granting Ukraine the Status of a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA)." In total, 214 people's deputies were registered in the hall.

The US expressed its concerns about the structure of the Taliban interim government
On September 8, 2021, during a joint press availability with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, the U.S.

Ukraine ensnared suspected Russian criminals abroad with fake jobs: CNN
Representatives of Ukrainian intelligence said that the extraordinary operation aimed at the detention of the Wagner group’s fighters was carried out “with the knowledge and alleged support of the United States".

In Afghanistan, the Taliban have returned their long-standing order: a curtain divides male, female students in the universities
Students across Afghanistan have started returning to university for the first time since the Taliban stormed to power, and in some cases females have been separated from their male peers by curtains or boards down the middle of the classroom, Reuters reports.

The Taliban announced the new government in Afghanistan
The radical Islamist movement Taliban, which seized power in Afghanistan, said the new caretaker government will be led by Mohammad Hasan Akhund, AlJazeera reports.

The US will provide over $2,000 for each refugee from Afghanistan
The Biden administration and more than 200 private agencies are rushing to establish a system for the resettlement of tens of thousands of Afghans, many of whom fled their country with little more than the clothes they were wearing, Bloomberg reports.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech at Stanford University: Ukraine is a country where anything is possible
During a working visit to the United States, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Stanford University (California) and addressed the expert community of this glorious educational institution.

Threatens Russia's security: the Kremlin says US military help could make Ukraine behave unpredictably
The Kremlin said on Thursday that U.S. military assistance to Ukraine could make Kyiv behave unpredictably and dangerously in the conflict in its east, and expressed regret at a U.S.-Ukrainian friendship it said was motivated by opposition to Russia.

Ukraine's Ministry of Economy and the US Eximbank have signed a Memorandum of Understanding: Ukraine will receive a loan totaling $3 billion
On September 1, 2021, at 1:34 P.M. EDT the U.S. senior administration officials held an embargoed press call befor the meeting of the U.S.

$277 billion and 80 projects: Zelenskyy presented the Transformation Plan of Ukraine in Washington
During a working visit to the United States, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy took part in the presentation of the Transformation Plan of Ukraine.

Ukraine and the United States signed an agreement on defense and security
During the working visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the United States, a number of agreements on strategic defense partnership, scientific and technical cooperation, space flight security, information protection, and border security were signed, the Office of the President reports.