Wednesday, 26 June

'Putin is sowing chaos': Biden addressed Congress regarding aid to Ukraine
Joe Biden addresses Congress and once again emphasizes the importance of security assistance to Ukraine

The world's oldest woman celebrates her 117th birthday and reveals the secret of longevity, photo
American Maria Branias Morera is the oldest person in the world. Recently, she celebrated her birthday

Super Tuesday in the U.S.: favorites enter the finish line of the race
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump won the Super Tuesday races

The gap is huge: what are the bets on Trump and Biden on the eve of Super Tuesday
​Bookmakers consider Donald Trump the favorite in the US election race

In what case NATO will be at war with Russia: the Pentagon made a statement
Lloyd Austin believes that if Ukraine falls, NATO will be in a fight with Russia

'He's a crazy son of a b*tch': Biden spoke out about Putin in his campaign speech
U.S. President Joe Biden called Putin a "crazy son of a b*tch" and blamed him for Navalny's death

White House is considering the possibility of transferring long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine
Joe Biden presidential administration is considering the transfer of long-range missile systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine

House Speaker Johnson rejects aid bill for Ukraine: statement
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson says he will not bring the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel to a vote in the House

The Senate voted: Ukraine is one step closer to $60 billion
​On Tuesday, February 13, the US Senate passed a legislation providing $95.3 billion in foreign aid to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine

Trump's rhetoric to his core voters: should NATO countries be afraid of the former president's threats
Donald Trump is threatening to withdraw the U.S. from the Alliance, appealing to his core voters before the presidential election

Showdowns among Republicans are inevitable, but there are chances: will Congress find the votes for aid to Ukraine
The expert believes that there will be a coalition between Democrats and "Reaganists" who are not very pro-Trump but support aid to Ukraine

"We are in a very difficult moment": Zelensky warned the West about the threat of “world redistribution”
Volodymyr Zelensky warned the West of a possible "redistribution of the world" if Russia won't be stopped now

'May the best woman win': Trump's rival made a statement after reaching the finish line
​Nikki Haley, a candidate for the U.S. presidency from the Republican Party in the elections of 2024, wished herself victory in the primaries

How the situation in Ukraine will affect the US elections: experts' forecast
Experts expressed the opinion that whether Donald Trump becomes a presidential candidate depends on the situation in Ukraine

Trump takes lead ahead of presidential primaries: polling data
Former President of the United States Donald Trump tops his opponents from Republican Party ahead of presidential primaries

Republicans in Congress came up with a "Victory Plan for Ukraine": they demand more weapons
U.S. Republicans have unveiled a "Victory Plan for Ukraine," calling on the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden to increase aid to Ukraine in the war against Russia and provide more military assistance

Will Ukraine get the money? The US Congress has reached an important agreement
​Republican and Democratic leaders in the US Congress have reached an agreement on 2024 budget

"Putin is an animal, he will eat you and your democracy for dinner": Zelensky calls to increase aid to Ukraine
​Volodymyr Zelensky called Putin an animal that will eat Europe if Ukraine loses this war. He urged the US and Europe to increase aid to Ukraine

Judges, who bars Trump from presidential ballot are being threatened in the US: FBI starts investigation
​The FBI is investigating threats to the judges of the US Supreme Court, who ruled to ​disqualify Donald Trump from the ballot in the presidential election 2024 in Colorado State

Biden signed the defense budget for $886 billion: the amount Ukraine will receive
Biden signs the U.S. defense budget for next year, which includes $300 million in defense spending to support Ukraine