Kim Jong Un could trade space and nuclear technologies from Putin - expert on the meeting of dictators

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin could have promised North Korea access to space technology in exchange for weapons for the war with Ukraine.

This opinion was expressed by military expert Oleg Zhdanov on the air of Apostrophe TV.

According to the expert, the agreements between Putin and Kim Jong Un indicate that the DPRK has finally chosen a geostrategic vector to support the Kremlin's aggressive actions, not just for political reasons, but for specific benefits.

"The Russian leadership needs a public ally and a supplier of the necessary resources (primarily missiles), and North Korea needs access to Russian technology. Their relations and interaction are likely to develop in a barter format: The DPRK helps Moscow in waging war, and in return, it wants space technology, including for launching its own reconnaissance satellites, as well as access to nuclear technology," Zhdanov said.

The expert believes that Russia is likely to help them in this. Especially in terms of providing space technologies and launching satellites, and in return will receive shells and possibly equipment.

"It is important to wait for the publication of the pact signed by Putin and Kim, which contains a particularly important point on joint actions in the event of a third country's "attack" on one of the parties to the agreement. Then it will be clear whether this pact can be considered a military alliance agreement that obliges to fight or a strategic partnership agreement," Zhdanov summarized.

Earlier, Apostrophe reported that North Korea launched more than 150 balloons with garbage and waste across the border.