Saturday, 22 February

Yatsenyuk urged to initiate UN Security Council meeting regarding downed MH-17

The published evidence of the MH-17 tragedy is a reason to gather the UN Security Council, placing a full responsibility on Russia.

That’s what Arseniy Yatsenyuk, leader of the “People’s Front” party and former Prime Minister of Ukraine, wrote on his Facebook page.

“The data that the Joint Investigation Team published on MH-17’s crash serves as a direct evidence of the Kremlin’s responsibility for the murder of innocent men, women and children that fell victims of the Russian war criminals,” he stated.

He also noted that back in 2014, when the news broke about a shot down plane, he as a Prime Minister stated that the responsibility for this crime against humanity lies on Russia and its government: “Today we get the proof.”

Ukraine did everything for international experts to discover the truth about this act of aggression: “Not only did our side invite all our partners to cooperate, but it also handed over the control of investigation to them,” Yatsenyuk stressed.

“I believe that the justice will triumph. The published data is a reason to gather a UN Security Council meeting and remind the Russian government that their crimes will not be neither forgotten nor forgiven,” he underlined.